Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2 January 30th Update Notes

- crashes
- This update contains several fixes to reduce known crashes. We continue to prioritize improving stability and fixing crashes across all platforms.
Error correction
- Fixed an issue that caused weapon decals and decals to appear as blocked.
- Fixed an issue where using a spotter’s scope could cause target markers to persist when aiming at the scope with a weapon.
- Fixed an issue where the turret could be placed inside a tank to destroy enemies.
- Fixed an issue that caused weapon screens to not display correctly on the gunsmith UI tile.
- Fixed a bug in the gunsmith that could cause players to return to the main menu when crafting their own knife.
- Fixed an issue in Gunsmith that could cause knife options to display incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue that prevented some players from saving a custom mod when trying to select a camo.
- Fixed a bug that caused some players to crash when closing a notification.
- Fixed some issues that players were experiencing when entering and exiting the range.
Navigation improvements
- Fixed various issues with the Social menu to improve navigation and functionality.
- Fixed an issue that prevented some users from navigating the Friends/Recents tab after scrolling the top bar.
- Fixed an issue that caused business card previews to not display correctly in the challenge completion animation.
- Fixed a UI bug that caused overlapping text in the activity report.
Warzone 2.0
Error correction
- Fixed an issue where placing the Recon Drone near water could result in some players being unable to move.

- Fixed an issue where the Rewards section of the Faction Mission menu was not displaying correctly.
- Fixed a number of issues affecting functionality and navigation when equipping and previewing insured weapons.
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from accessing the gunsmith to change camo when equipping a launcher in the insured weapon slot.