August 8 patch for Warzone 2 and MW2

On August 8th , Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone received a new update that includes many bug fixes and significant UX/UI improvements for players.
- Fixed a bug that could occur when saving a custom blueprint with an event camouflage.
- Fixed a bug that could prevent proper navigation in the Faction Showdown UI section.
- Fixed an issue that caused inappropriate “Cash on Delivery Points Available” to be displayed in some sectors of the Battle Pass.
- Fixed an issue where if a channel member adds additional players while the channel creator has the channel open, that player could be kicked back to the main menu.
- Fixed an issue that caused the wrong billboard to be displayed in Throwback Audio Pack 2.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when entering the Sticker 3 option for FR Avancer.
- Fixed an issue where, when using a weapon with a built-in silencer, the player’s location on the minimap would be determined with an active enemy UAV despite Ghost being active.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Carrack .300 CF-Bipod and Flintfire Bipod barrels to display the same stats.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Battle Pass to display incorrectly after purchasing BlackCell.
- Fixed an issue where the cursor could get stuck when navigating menus with a controller.
- Fixed an issue that caused Snoop Dogg Operator’s finishing move to behave incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue where using throwable equipment underwater could result in an incorrect visual indicator.
- Fixed a bug affecting the replicas of some operators.
- Fixed an issue that caused some players to experience the “Dev Error 7186” error.

war zone
The following changes take effect with the launch of Season 05.
- Players will now see a red armor meter if they have less than 3 plates, white if they have 3 or more plates, up to max. Max shows yellow.
- Players now see the connection status for the next match in the top right corner of the loading screen when using the replay feature again.
- Fixed a bug due to which Drilling Charge did not destroy downed enemies.
- Fixed an issue where the 3rd Workbench Discount was not opening properly in the DMZ.
- Fixed an issue where some updates in the DMZ would not display properly.
- Fixed an issue where some items that can be obtained in the DMZ had placeholder icons.
- Fixed an issue with the Carrack .300 that caused the reload animation to be delayed.
- Fixed an issue where editing a perk set with Overkill was inadvertently using the wrong weapon .