Modern Warfare 3: February 13th Patch Notes.

Season 2 just came out a week ago and Activision has already made some changes to things that were broken and some much-needed changes to weapons for both MW3 and Warzone.
Global changes
Stability and performance
- Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash during offline play when selecting a weapon or operator.
UIX Bug fixes
- Resolved various issues that caused players to unexpectedly return to the menu.
- View Prestige call cards.
- Filtering jobs for blocked operators.
- Removing options from quick settings.
- Previewing weapon completion rewards no longer locks the menu.
- Fixed an issue where the request to unlock the armory for controller control would not work.
- The placeholder name for the Imago RAM-9 submachine gun camouflage has been replaced.
- Replaced reward placeholder images in the “Horde Hunt” event menu.
Gameplay bug fixes
- Akimbo weapons will now be displayed correctly after entering maps via the elevator.
- Resolved an issue that prevented hybrid optics from being switched when the BP50 Assault Rifle is equipped with a Combo Sight.
- Increased the experience gained for the first task in the first week from 1000 to 2500.
- Increased bonus experience per match when using the operator skin from the event from 1000 to 2500.
- Removed the aiming requirement for the RAM-7 (Assault Rifle) camouflage challenge.
- Get 10 Operator kills while sliding with the RAM-7.
Operation Iron Man (War)
- Players can now respawn at tactical chocks located in the southern guard zone.
- Dying while activating the Instant Kill perk will no longer deactivate it.
- Zombies will now prioritize attacking operators instead of hits and field upgrades.
- Stun grenades now temporarily stun zombies.
Team game with weapons
- Performing a finishing move will now reduce the enemy team’s score.
- Melee kills and cooldowns are now correctly displayed in the post-action report.
Private match
- Game rules have been adjusted to match Competitive Settings rules version 1.1 when selecting CDL game mode.
Dynamic Map Elements (Global)
- Next zone display time (Hardpoint)
Weapons and sights
Striker 9
- Increased the display distance of enemy names from 33 m to 38.1 m (+15%).
- Reduced spread of fire from hands by 6%.
- Reduced weapon recoil from 54.93 deg/s to 35 deg/s (-36%).
- Increased horizontal recoil from 9.70 deg/s to 16.17 deg/s (+67%).
- Increased vertical recoil from 40.65 deg/s to 50.93 deg/s (+25%).
- Added the ability to aim while sliding.
- Increased bullet speed from 540 m/s to 560 m/s (+4%).
- Increased maximum damage from 29 to 32 (+10%).
- Increased mid-range damage from 25 to 28 (+12%).
- Reduced minimum damage from 20 to 18 (-10%).
- Increased maximum damage distance from 10.7 m to 14 m (+31%).
- Reduced damage distance at medium range from 22.9 m to 20.3 m (-11%).
- Reduced damage distance at close and medium range from 35.6 m to 27.9 m (-21%).
The Striker 9’s recoil has been significantly adjusted, resulting in increased shooting control.
TAQ Evolvere
- Increased movement speed from 4.4 m/s to 5.1 m/s (+16%).
- Reduced firing speed from 706 rpm to 500 rpm (-29%).
- Increased maximum damage from 34 to 40 (+18%).
- Increased maximum damage distance from 35.6 m to 40.6 m (+14%).
- Increased average damage distance from 40.6 m to 53.3 m (+31%).
- Increased head damage multiplier from 1.2x to 1.4x (+17%).
- Increased damage multipliers to neck, upper torso, upper and lower arm from 1x to 1.2x (+20%).
- Increased target wobble from 0.5n to 0.8n (+60%).
556 Belts (Magazines)
- Increased movement speed advantage by 16%.
- Added the benefit of reducing spread when firing from the hip by 40%.
- Increased aiming time advantage by 15%.
- Increased movement speed advantage when aiming by 17%.
- Added speed of fire advantage at 857 RPM.
- Reduced maximum damage from 34 to 30 (-12%).
- Reduced mid-range damage from 30 to 24 (-20%).
- Increased head, neck and upper torso damage multipliers from 1.1x to 1.2x (+9%).
The main purpose of these changes is to better differentiate the two types of TAQ Evolvere ammo. The 7.62 is a slow but accurate long-range competitor. While the 5.56 promotes aggression and is designed for a run and gun style of play.The 7.62 rewards accuracy and sees an increase in target wobble, allowing it to better compete with sniper rifles at long ranges.The 5.56 has a significantly higher rate of fire, which is easier to control and matches the damage multipliers to body parts.
» Sniper rifles «
- Longbow
- JAK Tyrant 762 kit
- Aim time reduced from 470ms to 390ms (-17%).
- Increased the downward speed of the sight from 2.5 m/s to 2.8 m/s (+12%).
- Added 30% reduction in spread when firing from the hip.
- JAK Tyrant 762 kit
» Pistols «
WSP Stinger
- Weapon recoil has been increased from 31.05 deg/s to 57.96 deg/s (+87%).
- Reduced horizontal recoil from 28.39 deg/s to 18.64 deg/s (-34%).
- Increased vertical recoil from 33.65 deg/s to 35.2 deg/s (+5%).
- Increased maximum damage from 24 to 29 (+21%).
- Increased mid-range damage from 23 to 24 (+4%).
- Increased mid-range damage from 18 to 20 (+11%).
- Increased minimum damage from 15 to 18 (+20%).
With these changes, the WSP Stinger has reduced recoil that is also easier to control, which goes well with the increased damage.
Without butt
- The reticle wobble has been removed when firing from the hip.
Assassin’s Vest
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from equipping lethal gear.
Field improvements
Calling a kit
- The ability to equip items in multiplayer is permanently disabled.
Due to limited use and frequent use to reach exploitation locations, the kit challenge is no longer available in multiplayer.
- Zombies can now be crushed and killed in Hardpoint mode.
MWIII Ranked Game
CDL Maps and Modes
- Sub Base Hardpoint has been temporarily removed from the ranked map pool. Content restrictions Weapon restrictions Sniper rifles
- All
PHD Flopper
Resolved an issue where the PHD Flopper was not protecting players from various sources of damage.
Tower Turret
Changed the maximum number of active Tower Turrets a player can place at once to three to improve server stability.
Added various bug fixes and stability improvements.
- Estimated match time
- When selecting a mode from the main menu, a new label has been added that indicates the estimated duration of the match.
- Quality of life when storing armor and ammunition
- Armor and ammo will show a “Stack” prompt when the backpack is not full.
- Armor and ammo will display a “Change” prompt when the backpack is full.
- Players can use the Hold to Stack feature to swap items at any time, regardless of whether the stack prompt is visible.
- Refueling on Tac-Map Quality of life
- Players will only see gas stations on the tactical map when they are in a vehicle.
» Submachine guns «
- Striker 9
- Hip spread when firing has been reduced by 6%.
- The recoil impact of the gun has been reduced from 35 deg/s to 54.93 deg/s.
- Increased horizontal recoil to 16.17 deg/s from 9.70 deg/s.
- Vertical recoil has been increased to 50.93 deg/s from 40.65 deg/s.
- Increased bullet speed from 540 m/s to 560 m/s.
» Light machine guns «
- TAQ Evolvere
- Movement speed increased to 5.1 m/s from 4.4 m/s.
- The rate of fire has been reduced to 500 rounds/min from 706 rounds/min.
- Increased target flinch from 0.5n to 0.8n.
- 556 Belts (stores)
- Increases movement speed by 16%.
- Added the benefit of reducing hip fire spread by 40%.
- Increases aiming time by 15%.
- Increases crosshair downward speed by 17%.
- Added fire rate advantage at 857 rpm.
» Sniper rifles «
- Longbow
- JAK Tyrant 762 kit
- Reduced aiming time to 390 ms from 470 ms.
- The downward speed of the sight has been increased to 2.8 m/s instead of 2.5 m/s.
- Added 30% reduction in spread when firing from the hip.
- JAK Tyrant 762 kit
» Pistols «
- WSP Stinger
- The recoil of the gun has been increased from 31.05 deg/s to 57.96 deg/s.
- Reduced horizontal recoil to 18.64 deg/s from 28.39 deg/s.
- Increased vertical recoil to 35.2 deg/s from 33.65 deg/s.
» Without stock
- Removed crosshair sway when firing from the hip.
- Fixed an issue where assists earned when other players killed a target would not appear in the SR breakdown.
- Fixed an issue that caused the incorrect amount of SR awarded for some SR challenges to be displayed.
- Reminder: Players can complete the challenges below once per season.
- First kill or assist: +100 SR
- 10 kills or assists: +100 SR
- 25 kills or assists: +100 SR
- 50 kills or assists: +100 SR
- 100 kills or assists: +100 SR
- Get into the top 8 squads: +100 SR.
- Place in the top five squads: +100 SR
- Reach 3rd best lineup: +100 SR.
- Match win: +200 SR
- Reminder: Players can complete the challenges below once per season.
- Fixed an issue where completing SR Challenges would not display the in-game notification.
- Fixed an issue that caused geographic features and buildings to appear in parts of the world where they did not belong.
- Fixed an issue where Weekly Challenges were not tracking properly in Ranked Rebirth mode.
- Fixed an issue where the party leader would get stuck when trying to queue up to resume ranked play.
- Fixed an issue with the Champion quest win sequence that was causing more teams to be displayed than intended.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to unintentionally remain immune to gas damage while completing an Extermination Contract.
- Fixed issues related to Zarkour Parkour flag.
- Fixed an issue where flash grenades would not have an effect on zombies.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to stay alive in gas indefinitely by combining the effects of the Irradiation and Quick Fix perks.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to duplicate items when interacting with a backpack.
- Fixed an issue where assists earned when other players killed a target would not appear in the SR breakdown.
- Fixed an issue that caused the incorrect amount of SR awarded for some SR challenges to be displayed.
- Reminder: Players can complete the challenges below once per season.
- First kill or assist: +100 SR
- 10 kills or assists: +100 SR
- 25 kills or assists: +100 SR
- 50 kills or assists: +100 SR
- 100 kills or assists: +100 SR
- Reach the top 8 squads: +100 SR Reach the top 5 squads: +100 SR
- Reach 3rd best lineup: +100 SR.
- Match win: +200 SR
- Reminder: Players can complete the challenges below once per season.
- Fixed an issue where completing SR Challenges would not display the in-game notification.
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