Modern Warfare 3: How to unlock BAL-27.

BAL-27 has been added to the Season 3 Battle Pass through the free sector. This new sector requires you to earn all the rewards in it before completing the final challenge to add the latest assault rifle to your arsenal.
The best part about getting the BAL-27 is that it’s part of the free Tier Battle Pass. So you don’t have to shell out real money to earn it.

- Finishing Move Akimbo Assault – Get 5 headshots to the operator or critical kills with a special zombie with assault rifles.
- Calling Card “Piercing Gaze” – Get 10 kills of Operators or Special Zombies while moving with an Assault Rifle .
- Eye Beam Emblem – Get 10 kills on an Operative or Special Zombie with hip shots from Assault Rifles.
- Double XP Token for 1 Hour – Perform 10 kills on Operators or Special Zombies in Tactical Stance using Assault Rifles.
- BAL-27 – Kill 15 Operators or Special Zombies while aiming with Assault Rifles
The BAL-27 was quickly hailed as one of the most powerful weapons back when Advanced Warfare launched in 2014. What makes it unique is that the rate of fire increases as you hold the trigger, the first four shots starting at a slower speed but maintaining extreme accuracy.
The BAL-27’s rate of fire is sure to prove popular in Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer, along with its high level of mobility. When it comes to multiplayer, we expect it to be among the most powerful weapons in the arsenal.
Taming recoil will be the key to success with the rifle in Warzone. With the right equipment, it can appear in the meta, but due to the fierce competition, there is always a chance that it will fall short.
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