Modern Warfare 3: Bonus Party Skin for MW3 and Warzone.

The Bonus Party Skin for MW3 and Warzone is an Operator skin featured in some store exclusive Party Packs that give players double XP bonuses.

Players will receive  double level experience  and  double weapon experience  if they play together with  at least two players  , and  double battle pass experience  if they play in  groups of three or more  players.

While all players in the party will need to use the party skin bonus to access the Double XP bonuses   , using these skins will allow you to easily rank up your operator, weapons, and Battle Pass tiers throughout the seasons.

To receive the Party Skin bonus, you need  to purchase a Party Pack from the store,  which includes the Operator skin with an in-game bonus. The first pack to include a bonus Party Skin is  the Killer Serial Creep Party Pack  with  the Swagger Operator “Rave” skin  , which costs  1600 CoD Points .

To change the Operator skin, all you need to do is log into MW3 or Warzone, go to  the Operator section  , select  the Operator you want to select the skin from  , and  select the skin you want to use  in the game.

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