Modern Warfare 3: Best MCW build.

The MCW is a versatile and deadly assault rifle in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 . It has a basic 30-round magazine and a rate of fire that any player should be familiar and comfortable with. But what sets MCW apart is how much damage it can do, including all the necessary attachments, perks, and gear.

The MCW is a versatile and easy-to-use weapon in MW3 that allows players to take down enemies from long ranges.

MuzzleCompensator T4LR SaberIncreases recoil control by three points. Slightly improved weapon recoil control.
BarrelSecond Line Mammoth Heavy BarrelIncreases bullet speed and firing range by two points. Improves aiming stability when walking by two points.
OpticalFSS Specter MicrothermThermoptics for clear vision and improved thermal guidance. Suitable for combat over long distances.
Rear GripRB Shelf GripIncreases resistance to tremors by two points. Reduces idle swing by two points, increasing accuracy when shooting.
Magazine60-round magazineIncreases magazine capacity for long battles. Especially useful for MCW fire rate.
Additional WeaponsRenetti pistolBalanced pistol with burst firing mode. Convenient in situations that require quick and easy handling of weapons.
Tactical equipmentFlashbang grenadeSlows down enemies and distorts their vision. Effective for pushing back opponents and gaining an advantage.
Deadly equipmentTermiteDeals damage over time when hitting an enemy. Hit nearby enemies, making it effective in group situations.
Field updateDead silenceMuffles footsteps and provides extra speed. Useful for flanking without alerting the enemy team.
GlovesArtillery GlovesResets the grenade timer and increases the firing range of equipment. Helps effectively counteract enemy grenades.
BootsMountaineering bootsReduces falling damage, increases climbing speed and speeds up overcoming obstacles. Useful for increasing mobility.
EquipmentBlacklight FlashlightShows recent tracks of nearby enemies. Increases situational awareness, especially on small multiplayer maps.
VestOverkill VestAllows you to carry two main types of weapons. Increases the speed of weapon replacement and allows you to reload while running.

MW3 players can unlock the MCW assault rifle  by reaching level 44 . This means that you will have to beat the game and earn enough experience before you can equip the MCW.

Best MCW Alternatives in Modern Warfare 3

If the MCW isn’t your thing in Modern Warfare 3, we recommend switching to  the Holger 556 , another powerful AR that boasts an amazing rate of fire and low recoil.