Modern Warfare 3: Best MTZ-556 build.

The MTZ-556 feels like a typical assault rifle. It’s easy to use, versatile, and hits opponents with just a few well-placed shots.

 There are plenty of options to choose from in the latest Call of Duty game, but the MTZ-556 is best used when you want to go head-to-head with your enemies. It has the highest rate of fire of any fully automatic assault rifle and, as a result, is included on our list.

On April 16,  Modern Warfare 3  received an update that improved the previously underwhelming MTZ-556 , making it a must-have for Season 3, assault rifles continue to dominate, and the MTZ-556 is now one of the best weapons in its category.

  • Barrel:  MTZ Clinch Pro Barrel
  • Muzzle:  Casus Brake
  • Optic:  MK.3 Reflector
  • Underbarrel:  Bruen Heavy Support Grip
  • Magazine:  50 Round Drum

The MTZ Clinch Pro barrel   significantly improves the assault rifle’s range and bullet velocity, while  the Casus Brake  allows for better control of the weapon’s recoil.

Bruen Heavy Support Grip  is designed to improve shooting accuracy and control recoil. You’ll get a more stable weapon with the biggest improvements in horizontal recoil and gun control with a slight increase in aim stability.

Optic choice is a matter of personal preference, and while most players seem to prefer the Slate Reflector, I personally prefer the  MK reflector. 3 . If you feel like your movement speed is a little limited, you can also replace your equipment with a lighter one.

Considering that the  MTZ-556  only has 30 rounds,  the 50 Round Drum  is almost double the amount of ammunition that can play a decisive role in victory.

When it comes to our selection of lethal and tactical loadouts, our picks are  the Stun and Frag Grenade . Apply a stun, slow your opponent, use a frag strike to deal devastating damage, and top it off with high-velocity MTZ-556 bullets and you have a lethal mixture.

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