Modern Warfare 3: All weapon buffs and nerfs in Season 3.

The Warzone and MW3 Season 3 update has arrived, bringing with it a ton of weapon balancing changes that will completely shake up the gaming meta.
“Assault rifles”
- RAM-7
- Neck damage multiplier reduced from 1.3x to 1x (-23%).
- Holger 556
- Upper leg, shin, and foot damage multipliers reduced from 1x to 0.85x (-15%).
- Headshot damage multiplier reduced from 1.3x to 1.1x (+15%).
- DG-56
- Increased sprint to shooting time from 178 ms to 199 ms (+12%).
» Combat rifles «
- SOA Subverter
- Increased sprint to shooting time from 256 ms to 268 ms (+5%).
- Increased aiming time from 270 to 290 ms (+7%).
- Rate of fire reduced from 667 to 600 rounds/min (-10%).
- Reduced center recoil speed by 6%.
- JAK Outlaw-277 Kit
- The run-up time to fire has been reduced from 252 to 226 ms (-10%).
- Aim time reduced from 300ms to 240ms (-20%).
- Reduced the rate of fire penalty when aiming from 150% to 135%.
- Average damage increased from 74 to 90 (+22%).
- Minimum damage increased from 70 to 90 (+29%).
The JAK Outlaw-277 kit is now designed for a maximum of 2 shots to all parts of the body.
- Sidewinder
- Run-up time to fire reduced from 231 ms to 210 ms (-9%).
- Increased bullet speed from 600 m/s to 770 m/s (+28%).
“Submachine guns”
- RAM-9
- Sprint time to shoot reduced from 178 ms to 147 ms (-17%).
- AMP9
- Run-up time to fire reduced from 189 ms to 136 ms (-28%).
- Rival-9
- Increased sprint to shooting time from 93 ms to 110 ms (+18%).
- Almost average damage reduced from 27 to 25 (-7%).
- Average damage reduced from 25 to 23 (-8%).
- Lower torso, forearm and hand damage multipliers reduced from 1.1x to 1x (-9%).
- HRM-9
- Increased sprint to shooting time from 94 ms to 110 ms (+17%).
- Striker 9
- Increased sprint to shooting time from 100 ms to 103 ms (+3%).
- Striker
- Increased sprint to shooting time from 100 ms to 110 ms (+10%).
- WSP-9
- Increased sprint to shooting time from 88 ms to 110 ms (+25%).
- WSP Swarm
- Increased sprint to shooting time from 88 ms to 99 ms (+13%).
- Added Long Haul 50 and Wolfcall 300 choke tubes to MWIII shotguns.
» Light machine guns «
- TAQ Evolvere
- Increased sprint to shooting time from 245 ms to 257 ms (+5%).
- Increased aiming time from 385 ms to 415 ms (+8%).
- 7.62 Belt Magazines
- Neck damage multiplier reduced from 1.4x to 1.2x (-14%).
- 5.56 Belt Magazines
- Rate of fire reduced from 857 to 789 rounds/min (-8%).
- Bruen Mk9
- Aim time reduced from 410ms to 350ms (-15%).
- Increased sprint to shooting time from 199 ms to 216 ms (+9%).
- Increased aiming time from 330 ms to 380 ms (+15%).
- Neck damage multiplier increased from 1x to 1.3x (+30%).
- Upper body damage multiplier increased from 1x to 1.2x (+20%).
- Legs and feet damage multipliers increased from 0.9x to 1x (+11%).
» Infantry rifles «
- MTZ Interceptor
- Increased aiming time from 280 to 300 ms (+7%).
- Average damage reduced from 88 to 83 (-6%).
- Minimum damage reduced from 84 to 77 (-8%).
- Melee medium damage range reduced from 44.5 m to 38.1 m (-14%).
» Sniper rifles «
- XRK Stalker
- Increased aiming time from 580 to 600 ms (+3%).
- KV Inhibitor
- Increased aiming time from 540 to 580 ms (+7%).
- SP-X 80 (MWII)
- Increased sprint to shooting time from 270 ms to 310 ms (+15%).
- Increased aiming time from 570 ms to 590 ms (+4%).
» Pistols «
- Snake Shot 12.7x55mm ammunition
- Increased the minimum damage range and bullet termination range from 14.5 m to 19.6 m (+35%).
- Snake Shot 12.7x55mm ammunition
- WSP Stinger
- Akimbo WSP Stinger rear grip
- Increased rate of fire from 600 to 750 rounds/min (+25%).
- Akimbo WSP Stinger rear grip
” Attachments “
- Added initial aiming accuracy benefit to all heavy bolts on sniper rifles.
- Optics Cronen INTLAS MSP-12
- The laser is no longer visible to enemies on the hip.
- Laser flashlight SL Razorhawk
- The flashlight is no longer visible to enemies mounted on the hip.
- The laser is no longer visible to enemies on the hip.
- Laser CS15 Scarlet Box
- The laser is no longer visible to enemies.
- Verdant Hook Box Laser
- The laser is no longer visible to enemies on the hip.
- Muffler muzzle VT-7 Spiritfire
- The penalty for running speed before shooting has been increased from 2% to 5%.
- L4R Flash Hider Muzzle
- Horizontal recoil control effectiveness reduced from 13% to 10%.
- Grenade launcher with manual stop DR-6
- The scope movement speed increase has been reduced by 3-4% depending on the weapon class.
- Bruen Heavy Support Grip
- Horizontal recoil control effectiveness reduced from 12% to 8%.
Assault rifles
- Maximum damage reduced from 36 to 32.
- Near-medium damage reduced from 30 to 28.
- Maximum damage range reduced from 26.67 to 24.13 meters.
- Head modifier reduced from 1.3x to 1.2x.
- Neck modifier reduced from 1.3x to 1x.
- Increased sprint to shooting time from 178 ms to 199 ms.
Lachmann 556 (MWII)
- Maximum damage increased from 24 to 28.
- Near-medium damage increased from 21 to 24.
- Neck modifier increased from 1.06x to 1.1x.
- Upper torso modifier increased from 1.06x to 1.1x.
- Arm and Hand modifier increased from 1x to 1.1x.
- Maximum damage range increased from 17.78 to 21.59 meters.
FR Advancer (MWII)
- Arm and hand modifiers increased from 1.06x to 1.12x.
Tempus Razorback (MWII)
- Maximum damage increased from 27 to 28.
- Arm and hand modifiers increased from 0.9x to 1x.
Combat rifles
- Rate of fire reduced to 600 rounds/min from 667 rounds/min.
- Recoil reduced by 6%.
- JAK Outlaw-277
- Maximum damage reduced from 100 to 90.
- Near-medium damage range reduced from 27.94 to 25.4 meters.
- Head modifier reduced from 1.6x to 1.4x.
- Upper torso and arm modifiers reduced from 1.3x to 1.1x.
- Sprint time to shoot reduced from 252 ms to 226 ms.
- Reduced aiming time to 240ms from 300ms.
- Reduced the rate of fire penalty when aiming from 150% to 135%.
- Maximum damage reduced from 40 to 38.
- Near-medium damage reduced from 38 to 35.
SOA Subverter
- Maximum damage range reduced from 25.4 to 22.86 meters.
- Melee medium damage range reduced from 46.23 to 41.91 meters.
- Increased sprint time to fire from 256 ms to 268 ms.
- Increased aiming time to 290 ms from 270 ms.
- Sprint time to shoot reduced from 231 ms to 210 ms.
- Increased bullet speed from 600 m/s to 770 m/s.
Submachine guns
- Maximum damage reduced from 30 to 27.
- Sprint time to shoot reduced from 178 ms to 147 ms.
- Maximum damage reduced from 31 to 27.
- Minimum damage reduced from 25 to 22.
- Near-medium damage reduced from 27 to 25.
- Maximum damage range reduced from 22.86 to 17.78 meters.
- Close-medium damage range reduced from 40.64 to 34.29 meters.
- Sprint time to shoot reduced from 189 ms to 136 ms.
- Increased sprint time to fire from 93 ms to 110 ms.
- Increased sprint time to shoot from 94ms to 110ms.
- Increased sprint time to fire from 100ms to 110ms.
Striker 9
- Maximum damage range increased from 10.67 to 12.19 meters.
- Increased sprint time to fire from 100ms to 103ms.
- Increased sprint time to fire from 88ms to 110ms.
WSP Swarm
- Increased sprint time to fire from 88ms to 99ms.
- Near-medium damage increased from 26 to 28.
- Maximum damage range increased from 9.65 to 11.17 meters.
Lachmann Sub (MWII)
- Maximum damage increased from 27 to 28.
- Maximum damage range increased from 8.25 to 9.65 meters.
- Maximum damage increased from 26 to 28.
Machine guns
Bruen MK9
- Minimum damage reduced from 26 to 24.
- Reduced aiming time to 350ms from 410ms.
TAQ Eradicator
- Maximum damage increased from 28 to 30.
TAQ Evolvere
- Increased sprint time to fire from 245 ms to 257 ms.
- Increased aiming time to 415 ms from 385 ms.
- 5.56 Belt magazines
- The rate of fire has been reduced from 857 rounds/min to 789 rounds/min.
- Upper torso and neck modifier increased by 1.1x, up from 1.08x.
- Arm and hand modifier increased from 0.95x to 1.1x.
- Maximum damage range increased from 30.73 to 33.65 meters.
- Arm and hand modifiers increased from 0.99x to 1.1x.
- Leg modifier increased from 0.95x to 1x.
- Increased sprint to shooting time from 199 ms to 216 ms.
- Increased aiming time to 380 ms from 330 ms.
Infantry rifles
Tempus Torrent (MWII)
- Maximum damage reduced from 74 to 70.
Sniper rifles
XRK Stalker
- Increased aiming time to 600ms from 580ms.
KV Inhibitor
- Increased aiming time to 580 ms from 540 ms.
SP-X 80 (MWII)
- Increased sprint time to fire from 270 ms to 310 ms.
- Increased aiming time to 590 ms from 570 ms.
- Maximum damage range increased from 11.68 to 12.95 meters.
WSP Stinger
- Akimbo WSP Stinger rear grip
- The rate of fire has been increased from 600 rounds/min to 750 rounds/min.
- Heavy bolts
- Added initial aiming accuracy benefit to all heavy bolts on sniper rifles.
- Optics Cronen INTLAS MSP-12
- The laser is no longer visible to enemies on the hip.
- Laser flashlight SL Razorhawk
- The flashlight is no longer visible to enemies mounted on the hip.
- The laser is no longer visible to enemies on the hip.
- Laser CS15 Scarlet Box
- The laser is no longer visible to enemies.
- Verdant Hook Box Laser
- The laser is no longer visible to enemies on the hip.
- Muffler muzzle VT-7 Spiritfire
- Sprint and shooting speed penalty increased from 2% to 5%.
- L4R Flash Hider Barrel
- Reduced horizontal recoil control effect from 13% to 10%.
- DR-6 Handstop Underbarrel
- The scope movement speed increase has been reduced by 3-4% depending on the weapon class.
- Bruen Heavy Support Grip Underbarrel
- Reduced gain from horizontal recoil control from 12% to 8%.
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