Warzone 2. €300 Tournament by Ultimate Contest Gaming 14.07.2023

The UCG team continues the series of Warzone 2.0 tournaments – meet UCG Community Clash #2!
The first champions of Ultimate Contest Gaming have already been determined. Are you ready to take this title and compete for €300 in prize money.
The UCG team is actively working to improve the quality of tournaments. This means that Community Clash #2 will give you even more positive emotions.

Community Clash #2 – Rules
- General
- Tournament format: Rating game
- 5 matches are played in the “Royal Battle”, “Troika” mode. All matches go to the final standings for points.
- Before the start of the tournament, the captain of each team that includes a PC player(s) must meet the following prerequisites for each team member: on the PlayStation Xbox Console – at least one of the players in the team must have a stream, autosave, and also publish a VOD (stream recording).
- A member of each team participating in the tournament must meet the following requirements: Play from their main account Provide a screenshot of their leaderboard (the “Career” tab) ban in the Call of Duty series of games The presence of a microphone, sounds in the game and the ability to clearly hear all the players on your team
- For each participant in the tournament, in the “Network and account” settings, in the “Status” tab, the Group type must be set to “Only by invitation”
- Any player has the right to contact the tournament administration if a violation of the rules is noticed.
- In case of disputes or misunderstandings between the teams, the decision on the measures taken remains with the organizers of the tournament.
- 2 hours before the start of the tournament, the captain of each team must check-in in the discord room of his team to confirm participation.
- Forbidden
- After registering for the tournament, change your Discord and/or Activision ID nickname.
- Use of the following items and/or game mechanics: MGL32 Shotgun “ZOLP” 12 gauge (“Dragon’s Breath”) .300 “Magnum” (Explosive) .50 (Explosive) .408 (Explosive) Night Sight “Schlager”
- Using any bugs, glitches or cheating methods (3rd party programs, hardware, macros).
- Joining forces with any other team participating in the tournament for the purpose of mutual assistance.
- Report players (tournament participants)
- Streamsniping, namely, during the tournament, the use of information from the streams of other participants for their own purposes.
- Prevent the tournament.
- Insults in any form.
- Forbidden words of the Twitch platform.
- Intentionally hide your identity, both in-game and real, and / or impersonate the tournament administration.
- Exceptions: 1 One sniper rifle per team is allowed.
- Running games
- Within the specified time, the entire team will need to enter the server where the tournament will be held using the code provided by the administration in the Discord channel – #lobby-status. Do not share this code with anyone other than the players of your team, including do not show it on the stream.
- If the team or individual players did not have time to enter the server at the specified time, there will be no restart. Except for those cases when 10 or more percent of the tournament participants did not have time to enter.
- All participants must enter the squad, the number of which was assigned during registration.
- If at the start of the game you were in someone else’s squad, you need to take a screenshot, write to the tournament administrators and leave the lobby.
- restart
- If unregistered tournament participants are found in the lobby.
- If a player is found who has violated paragraph 2.3.
- If most of the participants during the game have high ping and packet loss, then the administration may decide to restart the game, regardless of what stage the match is at.
- If at launch more than 6 players are in squads that do not match those previously assigned by the tournament administration.
- If by the time of the start of the 4th game one of the players included in the “Top-5” of this tournament has been eliminated before the first kill/death.
- Scoring
- One kill in the game +1 point to the team.
- Winning places per game are worth the following points: 16 points 14 points 12 points 10 points 8 points 6 points 4 points 2 points
- If you did not have time or could not get into the closed lobby, then you will be awarded the average number of points for 5 games.
- If you are kicked out in the middle or at the end of the game, then you are credited with the number of kills at the time of departure. If you did not have kills, then you will be awarded the average number of points for 5 games.
- When calculating points, all matches played are taken into account.
- From the points received by the team for all matches, the number of points equal to the median of the occupied places in the matches for the entire tournament will be subtracted. Example: Game 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Place: 4, 10, 1, 20, 7. 1, 4
, 7, 10, 20 = 7,100
(All points) – 7(Median places) = 93 (Final points) - Points are awarded and updated on the tournament page after all players send their results to the administration.
- If the number of points is equal (in case of a tie), the team with the most total kills for all games of the tournament wins.
- Other
- Prepare kits in advance in a private game.
- Make sure all settings are correct, including privacy settings. Clause 1.5.
- Prepare to stream before the tournament, make sure VOD recording is enabled on your platform.
- fines
- In case of violation of the rules, the administration has the right to disqualify the player and / or team from the tournament; When disqualified from a tournament, all players/teams are placed on the Disqualification list and/or ban.
- If the rules of the game are violated, then the team will not be awarded points for the game in which the rules were violated.
- If you were killed with a prohibited weapon or equipment, then you will be awarded the average number of points for all games (accrued at the end of the tournament).
Participation: Free
Discord; https://discord.com/invite/8Y3KmpCMps
Registration for the tournament; https://ucg.gg/lang/ru/community-clash-02