Warzone 2 (Battle Royale) players criticize the appearance of Buy Station

Warzone 2 Season 1 Reloaded made a lot of changes to the Battle Royale game when it first launched, but after player complaints, the developers began to back off and take into account community criticism.
This has led to changes such as equipment drops being listed at buy stations, so players can buy their equipment rather than waiting for an event or raiding a Stronghold. In regards to buying stations in Warzone 2, the developers also reduced and then increased the number on the map, as well as changing the way they appear in Al Mazra.
Buy Stations used to spawn in the same place in every game, but the developers decided to change that and introduce a randomized spawn system, and players don’t seem to be too happy about it.
One player highlighted the problem in Warzone along with an image showing a match in which four buy stations appeared in close proximity to each other, leaving “half the map” with “barely one buy station”.
Obviously, the buy stations should be more spread out on the map, that they “shouldn’t be so close together”.
They are not the only ones who think so, as another comment says “3000 developers and none of them could write a decent algorithm for the emergence of buy stations.”
Some even preferred the previous system where buy stations spawned in the same place every game, feeling that it “reduces camping at buy stations” as there were “more options”.
We’ll have to wait and see if anything changes in the future, as the developers may make some changes ahead of Season 2.