The developers explain the decrease in the number of players in the fifth season of Warzone 2.

In Warzone 2 Season 5, the number of players in Al Mazra has changed, and some changes have been made to the circles as well. Here is the developer’s reasoning for the change.
It came as a surprise as 150 players have participated in Al Mazrah since the launch of the game. However, in Season 5, the developers reduced this and also provided an explanation for the change.
In the Warzone 2 Season 5 patch notes, the developers revealed that ” All squad sizes in Al Mazrah Battle Royale have had their player count reduced to 100 instead of 150. “
This only applies to the casual playlist, as the number of players in a ranked game will remain the same – 150 . The developers explained that they reduced the number of players to “prevent the match from feeling too chaotic”, as well as providing “improved matchmaking times, faster pre-game lobbies, and better overall match quality”.

The developers hope that the decrease in the number of players, combined with the increase in second chance mechanics (Gulag tokens, redeployment kits, reinforcement rockets, reduced buyback prices) and changes to the circles in Season 5, “will increase the pace of the Battle Royale match.” more game uptime.”
The developers have also decided to make some changes to the Al Mazra circle in Warzone 2 Season 5 .
- The “delay time” before the first gas move is now 90 seconds, up from 220 seconds.
- The “closing time” of how long it takes the gas to shrink to the next size is now 215 seconds, up from 270 seconds.
- This change does not apply to ranked play.
- Circle size
- Reduced the size of the initial circle.
- This change does not apply to ranked play.
Ultimately, with these changes, the developers are aiming to increase the speed at which battle royale games complete, allowing for faster matchmaking times and therefore faster gameplay.