New feature in Modern Warfare 3 from CSGO

SHG has announced that Modern Warfare 3 is introducing a new feature that could change the way players select and interact with gaming equipment. Flash grenades are an essential tactical piece of equipment in FPS games, allowing players to effectively clear corners, secure territory, and advance towards their objectives.

To avoid the blinding effect of a flashbang in Modern Warfare 3, players will have to  look away after the grenade is thrown in their direction or the location they are in  .

Just like in other games like CSGO or Valorant, having sharp reflexes allows you to avoid the flash effect, mitigating its blinding effect on your character.

For some time, the blinding flash caused by grenades in Call of Duty has had a cult following. This has been a source of frustration for many players, although others have used it, causing enemies to become helpless when hit by tactical gear.

However, in MW2 and Warzone 2, the CoD team introduced the ability to change the grenade effect. Instead of a blinding white flash, players could choose to have a black inverted flash, giving them an effective way to avoid the white screen in the game.

Players can now avoid the outbreak completely. While not an entirely new concept, this is the first time players can effectively counter flashbang grenades rather than simply reduce their effectiveness with a tactical mask. This allows players to remain alert when facing enemy flashbangs.