Modern Warfare 3: What is Warzone Heavy Armor.

The Warzone Heavy Armor public event increases the maximum number of armor plates, increasing the total from three to four . This gives each player an additional 50 defense and increases the kill time.
The event is only available in Renaissance Island Revival modes and will be announced at the start of the match once all players are full. This happens randomly and is described by the developers as “rare” so there is no way to guarantee it will work when you log into the game.
Each player in a match is automatically given an additional armor slot and begins the game with three of the four slots already filled.
The only exception is those who use hardening, as they only have three slots for armor plates with 66.7 HP per plate instead of the usual 50. Anyone who has its perk starts with two full armor plates, while the third only has partial health.
While Heavy Armor only brings one small change to the game, it will likely change the flow of a Warzone match dramatically. Firefights will last much longer than usual, meaning teams will have to be more careful when deciding when to try and take out an enemy.
Not only that, but ammo will become more valuable than ever as each battle requires even more rounds than before.
We’ll have to wait until the Heavy Armor public event goes live in Warzone Season 3 Reloaded to see how much of an impact it has on the match, but it’s definitely an interesting addition.
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