Modern Warfare 3: All Weekly Challenges.

Modern Warfare 3 features weekly challenges that you can complete in both multiplayer and zombie modes to unlock unique rewards for your weapons and earn some extra XP.
In this system, rewards will change every week , as the name suggests, during the pre-season and each season . Each week, players will be given a set of seven multiplayer and weekly Zombies challenges , spanning a total of four different weeks .
Weekly challenges in Season 0 will run for four weeks, leading up to December 6, the date when Season 1 is expected to kick off and introduce the new Warzone experience to Modern Warfare 3.

Modern Warfare 3 Week 1 Challenges
Kill the five operatives who killed you using the recommended weapon. | Get 250 kills with a recommended weapon. |
Get 20 operator kills with the recommended silenced assault rifle. | Get 100 kills with the recommended silenced assault rifle. |
Perform 10 glide kills on operators using the recommended weapon. | Get 30 kills with PHD Flopper explosions. |
Get a triple kill on one operator with a recommended sniper. | Get 200 kills in a medium or high threat zone. |
Get 20 operator kills with MCW. | Get 100 kills with MCW. |
Get 15 Operator kills using scopes mounted on the recommended assault rifle. | Get 150 scoped kills with the recommended assault rifle. |
Get 15 headshot kills with MCW. | Get 150 critical kills with MCW. |
Modern Warfare 3 Week 2 Challenges
Get 10 Operator Assists with a recommended weapon. | Complete five contracts |
Get 20 operator kills while aiming down the sights with the DG-58 LSW. | Get 100 hip kills with the recommended assault rifle. |
Get 20 hip kills with the DG-58 LSW. | Get 125 kills with the recommended Combat Rifle with at least four skills active. |
Get 3 additional Operator kills with a recommended weapon. | Get 10 kills in a row without taking damage 10 times using a recommended weapon. |
Get 25 operator kills while moving using the recommended weapon. | Get 25 Hellhound kills with the recommended weapon. |
Get 20 operator kills while aiming down the crosshairs. Recommended assault rifle. | Get 100 critical kills with the recommended assault rifle. |
Get 20 hip kills on Operators with the recommended Assault Rifle. | Kill three HVT Big Bountys with the recommended Battle Rifle. |
Modern Warfare 3 Week 3 Challenges
Get 15 Operator headshot kills with a recommended weapon. | Get 200 critical kills with a recommended weapon. |
Get 20 Assault Rifle kills using the recommended weapon. | Get 100 kills with a melee weapon. |
Get 15 kills using Operator Points with recommended SMGs. | Get 10 special zombie kills with the recommended submachine gun. |
Perform 20 kills on operators with the recommended weapon akimbo. | Get 150 kills with a weapon recommended by Akimbo. |
Get 20 hip kills on Operators using recommended SMGs. | Get 100 hip kills with a recommended weapon. |
Perform 5 melee kills on Operators using the buttstock of the recommended SMG. | Get 50 mercenary kills with the recommended submachine gun. |
Get 5 Operator kills without dying once with the recommended SMG. | Get 3 Mangler kills with the recommended SMG. |
Modern Warfare 3 Week 4 Challenges
Get 20 operator kills with the recommended weapon. | Get 150 kills with a rare (blue) recommended weapon. |
Perform 5 double kills on operators using the JAK Heretic carbine mounted on the MTZ-762. | Get 5 double operator kills using the JAK Heretic carbine mounted on the Pack-a-Punched MTZ-762. |
Get 15 operator kills at point-blank range with the JAK Raven kit installed on the MCW. | Get 150 kills with the JAK Raven kit installed on MCW while Jagger Nog is active. |
Get 15 headshot kills on Operators with the JAK Raven kit installed on the MCW. | Get 100 critical kills with the JAK Raven kit installed on MCW. |
Get 20 Operator kills using the Yellow Jacket Akimbo stocks equipped with the WSP Swarm. | Get 100 kills using the Yellow Jacket Akimbo Brace stocks mounted on the WSP Swarm. |
Get 4 Operator kills without dying 25 times using the yellow Akimbo Brace Stocks jacket equipped with WSP Swarm. | Get 200 kills with the Yellow Jacket Akimbo Brace spares equipped on the WSP Swarm in a medium to high threat area. |
Get 3 Operator kills with Rage using the recommended weapon. | Kill a warlord with the recommended weapon. |
To obtain the Golden River camouflage in Call of Duty: MW3, players must complete all 4 weekly challenges in Season 0 of the game . This season began on the game’s release date, November 10, 2023, and will run until the start of the first season of CoD: MW3, which is expected to occur sometime in early December.

Players will have to complete a number of tasks in both multiplayer mode and Zombies mode. This will allow players to obtain the Golden River camouflage regardless of which game mode they prefer . However, to get it, players will need to complete all of each week’s challenges in one of the modes.