Modern Warfare 3: MWIII Combat Rifles Review

Battle rifles are a hybrid of an assault rifle and a marksman rifle in Modern Warfare 3 and often pack a lot of firepower at the expense of movement speed and mobility. While they are rarely among the best guns and weapons, they are viable options in mid-to-long range combat.
Modern Warfare 3 features eight battle rifles, three of which are new and the remaining five are from 2022’s MW2.
We’ve looked at the three MWIII battle rifles you can use in Modern Warfare 3, including how to unlock them.

How to unlock : Reach player level 17.
Base Damage : 54 headshots, 46 upper torso, 46 lower torso.
Base firing range: 35.6 m for effective engagement range and 53.3 m for maximum engagement range at 790 bullet speed.
Base rate of fire : 666.7 rpm.
Base ADS speed : 260ms.
The BAS-B is undoubtedly a great battle rifle in Modern Warfare 3 , allowing you to deal incredible damage during long-range combat. This is largely due to the fact that the BR has a low kick when using a meta attachment, as well as high mobility similar to an assault rifle.

How to unlock : Reach player level 25 and activate in the Armory, then complete three daily or bonus tasks.
Base Damage : 84 headshots, 60 upper torso, 60 lower torso.
Base firing range: 19.1 m for effective damage and 36.8 m for maximum damage at 540 bullet speed.
Basic rate of fire : 3.75 rpm.
Base ADS speed : 280ms.
The Sidewinder is a powerful battle rifle with excellent TTK (time to kill), but you pay for it with reduced range and harsher recoil. The Sidewinder is perhaps one of the most perfectly balanced weapons out there. Due to the damage it deals, it has a low rate of fire, due to its mobility it has high recoil, and due to its firing range it has less controllability.

How to unlock : Reach player level 25 and activate in the Armory, then complete three daily or bonus tasks.
Base Damage : 58 headshots, 49 upper torso, 49 lower torso.
Base firing range: 19.1 m for effective damage and 44.7 m for maximum damage at 790 bullet speed.
Base rate of fire : 540.5 rpm.
Base ADS speed : 280ms.
The MTZ-762 is a fully automatic battle rifle in Modern Warfare 3 that can deal heavy damage at medium to long ranges thanks to its powerful 7.62 rounds.
If you use the MTZ-762 with the right attachments, you can improve its handling and sprint speed while reducing kickback control to an acceptable level.