Modern Warfare 3: Gundam Event Explained.

Modern Warfare 3 (Season 4) releases a Gundam challenge event called “Mobile Suit Gundam Legends”. The MW3 Mobile Suit Gundam Legends event was released on June 5th in Multiplayer, Warzone and Zombies.
The Mobile Suit Gundam Legends event gives Warzone and Modern Wafare 3 players the opportunity to earn free rewards simply by earning XP . Players need to complete a series of XP milestones, allowing them to earn rewards as they progress.
Players can receive a 1000 XP bonus by equipping the RX-78-2 Gundam, MS-06S Zaku II, or VXV-016 Gundam Aerial . However, they are only available as part of paid packages from the CoD store.
The following challenges can be completed in either multiplayer, Warzone or Zombies. Players need to earn experience and complete certain milestones to earn Gundam-themed rewards.
All rewards for the Mobile Suit Gundam Legends event in Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone:
- Weapon sticker “ Asticassia Mark ” – 9,500 experience
- Double experience token – 21,500 experience points
- “ Gundam 45th Anniversary ” weapon sticker – 36,000 EXP
- Dual Weapon XP Token – 58,000 XP
- Weapon amulet “ White Base ” – 90,000 EXP
- “ Zaku Head (Green) ” Emblem – 130,000 EXP
- Large “ Mobile Suit Gundam ” sticker – 175,000 EXP
- Business card “ Char’s Mark” – 225,000 EXP
- Double Battle Pass Experience Token – 285,000 EXP
- “ A Little Push ” Business Card – 350,000 EXP
- “ RX-78-2 ” camouflage – 420,000 EXP
- Emblem “ Guel, Elan, and Shaddiq” – 500,000 EXP
- Level Skip Token – 520,000 EXP
- Calibarn Beam Calibarn Weapon Blueprint – 550,000 experience
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