Modern Warfare 3: Medium Range HRM-9 Build.

Streamer WhosImmortal created the HRM-9 build, turning the SMG into a deadly mid-range weapon in Warzone Season 2.
WhosImmortal is a well-known name in the Warzone community. He is a well-known streamer and also has a YouTube channel , where he posts videos about Warzone gameplay, updates, loadouts, and meta recommendations.
Additionally, Activision introduced a new weapon update to Warzone that contains buffs and nerfs that slightly change the current meta of some submachine guns.
Luckily for SMG players, content creator WhosImmortal has introduced a new loadout for the HRM-9 that will allow you to dominate your opponents at short to mid-range.

- Muzzle : ZEHMN35 Compensated Flash
- Barrel : Princeps Long Barrel
- Rear Grip : PCS-90 Assault Grip
- Magazine : 50-Round Drum
- Stock : No Stock
To craft this deadly HRM-9 in Warzone Season 2, the first thing you’ll need to equip is the ZEHMN25 Flash Compensated Muzzle . This will give you better control over vertical recoil and will also make horizontal recoil a little easier. Additionally, to better control the HRM-9, you’ll add the PCS-90 Assault grip .
However, a key part of this loadout is the Princeps long barrel , which will significantly increase the HRM-9’s firing range.
Opt for No Stock for good mobility and control, and of course the 50-round magazine will help you avoid running out of ammo mid-fight.
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