Modern Warfare 3: Best Build WSP Swarm

WSP Swarm has been added to the arsenal since the launch of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 on November 10, 2023. WSP Swarm is based on a real weapon manufactured by IWI (Israel Weapon Industries) – IWI Uzi Pro. An ultra-compact 9mm submachine gun capable of firing at a stunningly high rate.
WSP Swarm is one of the meta SMGs in the game due to its high rate of fire and the fastest TTK at close range. In the right hands, it can take down multiple enemies at close range using a single magazine.
The WSP Swarm is an all-or-nothing weapon that is great for this style of play.

- Muzzle : Spiral V3.5 Flash Hider
- Barrel : WSP Reckless-90 Long Barrel
- Underbarrel : XRK Edge BW-4 Handstop
- Stock : FSS Fortress Heavy Stock
- Magazine : 50 Round Mag
The long barrel of the WSP Reckless-90 does most of the heavy lifting in this design, making the weapon more controllable and increasing bullet velocity, but significantly reduces mobility rates, but it’s worth it. Spiral V3.5 flash suppressor and FSS Fortress Heavy Stock for added recoil control and mid-range accuracy.
The XRK Edge BW-4 Handstop significantly improves ADS, sprint speed, and overall movement speed. Finally, 50 round magazines ensure that you can handle the SMG’s incredible rate of fire without the need for constant reloading.
- Vest: Infantry
- Gloves: Commando
- Gear: Ghost T/V Camo
- Boots: Covert Sneakers
- Lethal: Semtex
- Tactical: Stun
- Field Upgrade: Trophy System
The best WSP Swarm gear in MW3 encourages players to get close to enemies, so we’re starting by enhancing Tactical Sprint with the Infantry Vest. It pairs well with commando gloves , which allow you to reload while sprinting. The Ghost T/V camo will keep you below the radar while moving, and the Hidden Sneakers will disguise your steps.
Semtex is an easy way to ensure a quick kill, and the Stun Grenade makes it easy to eliminate players.
Modern Warfare 3 players can unlock the WSP Swarm by reaching level 27 . While unlocking SMGs may take some time, players can speed up the process by using Double XP Tokens.