Modern Warfare 3: Best Striker Loadout for Warzone (Season 4).

The Striker isn’t the fastest-firing SMG, but it’s incredibly stable, deals great damage, and has decent mobility.

Of all the SMG Strikers, the Striker is the most accurate and stable to use, so this build aims to further improve its shooting capabilities by increasing range and bullet speed, as well as reducing recoil control.

If you are at close to medium range, 4 shots are often enough to get a kill with this weapon.

  • Muzzle:  Shadowstrike Suppressor S
  • Barrel:  Striker Recon Long Barrel
  • Stock:  No Stock
  • Underbarrel:  XRK Edge BW-4 Handstop
  • Magazine:  48 Round Mag

Shadowstrike Suppressor S makes you invisible on the radar, this is a key point in MW3 when shooting does not give away your position on the minimap.  Striker Recon Long Barrel  for a significant increase in bullet speed and a significant reduction in aiming deviation. Using No Stock  will significantly increase its portability. Next up is equipping  the XRK Edge BW-4 Handstop  for added mobility and ADS speed. Finally,  the 48 Round Mag  ensures that you always have plenty of ammo and can take on multiple opponents without having to reload your weapon .

The advantage of this build is that you can win any fight as long as you hit the upper body, but the TTK will drop significantly if you only hit the lower body, so be careful.

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