Modern Warfare 3: How to get the Smoke Signals RAM-7 blueprint in MW3 Zombies.

The new Dark Aether Rift gives players the opportunity to obtain a free animated blueprint for the RAM-7 Assault Rifle.
To get the Smoke Signals RAM-7 blueprint in MW3 Zombies, you need to complete the new Union Story mission , enter the new Dark Aether Rift and complete three contracts, and activate and defeat the Gyanxi Disciple boss .
- Start and complete the Alliance story mission in Act 4 to receive the Giraffe artifact.
- Take three other artifacts from Urzikstan: a laptop with stickers, a science journal, and a drawing of an imaginary friend.
- Upgrade them to gold by completing the Level 3 Triangle Easter Egg four times.
- Find the purple triangles in the Level 3 area, shoot the runes near the triangle and a broken triangle will appear where you need to stand in the right place to form the shape. Complete the call and begin filling the sphere with souls, after which your artifact will be improved.
- Enter the third Dark Aether Rift introduced in Season 3 of Reboot.
- Complete three Dark Aether contracts: Bounty , Escort and Outlast .
- Once completed, you need to destroy three spores that can be found in the middle part of the island of the new Dark Aether.
- After you destroy three, a large one will appear in the center of the island, which you also need to destroy.
- The Gyanxi Disciple boss will then appear and once you defeat him you will receive a blueprint for smoke signals.
This can be quite a challenge since you are essentially completing all of the new content in Season 3 of MW3 Zombies Reboot. We recommend making sure you have a powerful squad, important perks, and upgraded weapons .
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