Modern Warfare 3: Double XP

Double XP events are special events or promotions where players can earn double the amount of experience points (XP) they would normally earn. XP events increase your rank, weapon level and battle pass, unlocking many features such as new weapons , skins and more.
- Double XP Token : Affects XP gain for player levels.
- Double Weapon XP Token : Affects the amount of XP when developing weapons.
- Double Battle Pass Token XP : Affects how quickly you can earn Battle Pass Tokens.
The Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone Double XP event began on February 23rd and runs until Tuesday, February 27th .
It was originally supposed to end on Monday, February 26th, but Activision extended it by a day due to server issues on Friday.

In addition, the developers have also increased the chance of skulls dropping in the Horde Hunt event. Some players have previously raised questions about the Mimic Skull drop rate, and now it will drop twice as much.
Exact time when the Double XP event in Warzone and MW3 will end on February 23rd:
- Pacific time – 8:00.
- Connecticut – 10:00
- Eastern European Time – 11:00
- Greenwich – 16:00
Double XP Tokens are common rewards in the Premium Rewards section of the Battle Pass. Upgrade your Battle Pass to receive double XP rewards in all sectors. If you’re playing with the free Battle Pass, please note that the number of Double XP Tokens you can earn will be much more limited than with premium rewards.
It is not possible to use the Double XP token in conjunction with the Double XP event to gain four times the experience.
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