Modern Warfare 3: Best STG44 Loadout for Warzone (Season 5)

STG44 is back in Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone Season 5. Veteran players likely remember this assault rifle from previous Call of Duty games . However, this time it has taken on a more modern look with an updated design.
This is a fully automatic assault rifle chambered in 7.92x33mm and has the potential to be your next main weapon.
The STG44 is a powerful assault rifle with controlled recoil, powerful shots and crisp iron sights. To further enhance the weapon’s performance, we decided to improve handling and mobility to create a fast, mid-range weapon .

- Muzzle: Quartermaster Suppressor
- Barrel: Heinrichter C70 Long Barrel
- Ammunition: 7.92x33mm High Grain Rounds
- Stock: DR79 Combo Stock
- Magazine: 50 Round Drum
The Quartermaster Suppressor is a new suppressor that improves recoil and recoil control, making the STG a beast at range. This add-on is an Armory Unlock, so you will need to activate it and complete eight daily challenges or wins to get it. If you don’t already have one, the Casus Brake is a good alternative. The Heinrichter C70 Long Barrel and 7.92x33mm High Grain Rounds significantly increase bullet velocity and range, making the STG even better at range. The DR79 Combo Stock reduces the weapon’s overall horizontal and vertical recoil, making it easier for you to control recoil, especially when firing continuously. The best part is that it also improves mobility, which means that with this equipment your movement speed will be much faster. And the 50 Round Drum is always nice, as it allows you to keep shooting to hit your target even if you miss a few times.
Combat and tactical gear may be a personal preference, but offensively oriented gear is better, such as Frag Grenade and Flashbang.
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