Modern Warfare 2 zombies?

21 minutes ago
Modern Warfare 2 has plenty of different modes to spend time in, but the iconic Zombies mode was nowhere to be seen at launch. So, will Modern Warfare 2 have zombies later on?

Modern Warfare 2 is packed full of different modes to keep players busy for dozens if not hundreds of hours. From the single-player campaign and mainstream multiplayer games like Team Deathmatch to new modes like Prisoner Rescue, there’s no shortage of options here.
However, the fan-favorite “Zombies” mode that has been featured in many CoD games since its World at War debut was not in Modern Warfare 2 at launch. This made many players wonder if the classic survival mode will appear in the game in the future.
Unfortunately, developer Infinity Ward has confirmed that Modern Warfare 2 will not include a zombie mode . This was announced before the game was released back in October 2022, meaning zombie fans will likely have to wait for the next CoD release to see the mode return.
Modern Warfare 2 also introduced a new co-op experience in the form of raids, the first of which appeared in the first season of The Reloaded. These longer missions put three-man squads to the test, hitting them with intense combat and puzzles that require teamwork and communication.
So, while Modern Warfare 2 won’t have a Zombie mode, there are plenty of other options to satisfy the same itch.