How to win the DMZ: AI advice

DMZ is a popular map in Call of Duty, loved by many players. It has a large open area with plenty of cover and choke points that you can use to your advantage. Here are some hacks to help you dominate the DMZ:

  1. Explore the map

The first step to dominating the DMZ is to explore the map inside and out. Check out the various choke points, cover, and routes you can use to flank your enemies. This will allow you to move around the map with ease and take out enemies from unexpected angles.

  1. Use Height

There are several hills in the DMZ from which the map can be clearly seen. These areas are perfect for sniping or using ranged weapons. Be sure to use them to your advantage and take out enemies from a distance.

  1. Use grenades

Grenades are a great way to get rid of enemies hiding behind cover. Use frag grenades to damage enemies outdoors, or use flashbang grenades to stun enemies before moving on to kill.

  1. Use cover

The DMZ is full of hideouts that you can use to your advantage. Be sure to use cover to your advantage by taking cover behind walls, rocks, and other objects. This will make it harder for enemies to hit you and give you a chance to reload or heal.

  1. Use UAV

The UAV is a powerful tool that can help you locate enemies on the map. Use it to scout out areas before moving forward and take out enemies hiding in unexpected places.

With these hacks, you can dominate the DMZ and come out on top in Call of Duty. Remember to keep practicing and experimenting with different strategies to find what works best for you.