Drone with artificial vision

I developed an artificial vision program for use on drones. This program can help not only with search and rescue missions, but also with environmental conservation, safety and much more. However, to realize my dream I need investment. I am ready to put all my effort and energy into this endeavor and would appreciate your support in this important initiative.

I’m starting to develop revolutionary drone technology using artificial vision. The drone with artificial vision technology is capable of autonomously analyzing visual data using advanced algorithms, allowing it to recognize objects, navigate complex environments and make decisions without human intervention. We have already developed the object recognition software, which brings us to the final stage of completing the project, which includes synchronizing the drone with the software and conducting thorough testing.

We are confident in the potential of our project and believe that artificial vision technology in drones has tremendous promise in various industries, including agriculture, security and more.

  1. On average, there are about 3-4 million fires worldwide each year, resulting in more than 250,000 deaths.
  2. Fires are one of the leading causes of death and property damage.
  3. In developing countries, where effective fire safety systems are often lacking and access to emergency services is limited, fires often have more serious consequences.
  4. Fires can destroy homes, commercial properties, natural forests and ecosystems.
  5. Fires also result in significant economic losses, including property damage, restoration costs, and loss of income due to business interruption.

Early detection of fires using drones reduces the spread of fire, allowing for rapid response and mobilization of resources for suppression. This not only saves lives and prevents environmental damage, but also simplifies the firefighting process, reducing costs and risks to society.

How does artificial vision work?

Use artificial vision-equipped drones to improve the safety of tourist beaches by detecting the presence of sharks early.

An example of a drone image being processed by a technical vision system while searching for sharks.

A snapshot of the actual situation in the fire area. Fire spots are highlighted in red.

In the photographs you can see how the program processes video (photo). She selects only the necessary object that we give her. The program selects only the required object (without paying attention to other objects) and does this without human intervention (drone operator).

Although we have already developed recognition software, an important step lies ahead – the transition to industrial production. For this we need investment.

The funds we seek to receive will be used for the following purposes:

1. **Patent Registration** : We intend to protect our unique technology by registering a patent to ensure its legal protection.
2. **Company Registration** : We need to create our company and complete all the necessary procedures to officially launch it.
3. **Acquisition of drones** : To implement artificial vision technology, we will need specialized drones equipped with the necessary hardware and software.
4. **Integration of artificial vision technology**: We plan to integrate our software into drones and test it in practical conditions.

Our drone with artificial vision technology offers a more affordable price compared to existing analogues on the market, making it attractive to a wide range of potential users. Moreover, with the completion of our project, human intervention will no longer be required; The drone will autonomously recognize objects, demonstrating the culmination of our vision of advanced aerial reconnaissance technology.

Therefore, we invite potential investors to join us and support our initiative. We are ready to provide detailed information about the project and discuss possible options for cooperation. Our goal is to bring our technology to successful market adoption, and we look forward to your support during this critical phase of project development.

Our website https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/drone-with-machine-artificial-vision#/

Best regards,