DMZ: In Warzone, the POI that dominated the center of Al Mazra has been reduced to rubble.

Warzone 2 Season 5 Reloaded made waves by making major changes to the Al Mazra map, destroying one of the most popular landing spots in the game.
In the mid-season notes, the developers explained that: “Following the cataclysmic events of Shadow Siege in Al Mazra, the Zaya Observatory was destroyed.”
This means that while the Zaya Observatory is still on the map, the popular landing site looks very different after the update.
The Warzone 2 Shadown Siege event served as the opening of Modern Warfare 3, in which players were tasked with mining gas tanks from a hidden bunker underneath a POI. It all started with the fact that eight rocket launchers simultaneously fired at the Observatory and destroyed it.
After the event ended, players were able to continue landing at Zaya’s Observatory, better known as the Dome from the original MW3, in its original state. However, in Warzone 2 Season 5 Reloaded, the point of interest that dominated the center of Al Mazra was reduced to rubble.
Despite this, the location remains a possible landing spot with plenty of loot, but players will have to learn a new layout thanks to the destruction from the missile attack.
Only time will tell how a major map change will impact the popularity of the Observatory in Warzone 2 in the future.