Best Expedite 12 loadout in Warzone 2.0

The Expedite 12 Shotgun is a great melee weapon in Call of Duty: Warzone 2. When properly equipped, this weapon can kill with two shots and take out players within 5-7 meters. If you like shotguns in Warzone 2, try the following Expedite 12 build now.

  • Приклад : Resonance stock rolled up
  • Bolt : accelerated L-bolt
  • Задняя рукоять: Schlager Void Grip

What we want to achieve with our Expedite 12 gear is increased range, mobility and accuracy. The MX-50 silencer provides increased range. We use the Point-G34 laser sight because it helps the most when shooting from the hip.

Attachments - Best Expedite 12 loadout in Warzone 2.0



Loadouts - Expedite 12

Expedite 12

The design of the Expedite 12 is based the real-life gun Benelli M4 Super 90.

Best Expedite 12 loadout in Warzone 2.0

The Expedite 12 Shotgun is a great melee weapon in Call of Duty: Warzone 2....