Bryson 800


Shotgun COD Warzone Bryson 800

The design of the Bryson 800 is based the real-life gun Mossberg 590.

Loadouts - Bryson 800

Best Bryson 800 loadout in Warzone 2.0

The Bryson 800 stands at the top because of its incredible range and power. With...

Attachments - Bryson 800


  • Improved Bryson Choke
    Настройте диапазон урона и более плотный разброс пуль


  • SZ Mini
    - PROS: Precision Sight Picture.
    - CONS: Aim Down Sight Speed.




  • Sawed Off Mod
    - PROS: Aim Down Sight Speed. Hip Recoil Control. Movement Speed. Sprint to Fire Speed.
    - CONS: Aiming Recoil Control. Aiming Stability. Flinch Resistance.
Урон - Damage:
Скорострельность - Fire Rate:
Дальность - Range:
Точность - Accuracy:
Контроль отзыва - Recall Control:
Мобильность - Mobility:
Обращение с оружием - Handling: