The design of the TAQ-56 is based on the real FN SCAR-L.
The design of the TAQ-56 is based on the real FN SCAR-L.
The design of the Kastov 762 is based the real-life gun AK-103.
The design of the M13B is based the real-life gun Sig Sauer MCX.
The design of the Chimera is based the real-life gun Honey Badger. This weapon will not be free and can...
The design of the Kastov 545 is based the real-life gun AK-105.
The design of the STB 556 is based the real-life gun AUG A3.
The design of the M16 is based on the real Colt M16A4. The in-game version of the weapon is manufactured...
The design of the Lachmann-556 is based the real-life gun Heckler & Koch HK33.
The design of the M4 is based on the real life Colt M4A1. The in-game version of the weapon is...
The design of the Kastov-74u is based on the real life Kalashnikov AKS-74U weapon. The Kastov-74u can be turned into...
The M16 is a high-precision burst assault rifle, and you can equip this weapon with five different attachments to make...
The Lachman-556 may not be as popular as other rifles in its class, but it's a great choice for multiplayer...
The Lachmann-556 is a very popular weapon among the players, we give you some tips on how to put together a...
Muzzle - Harbinger D20Barrel -15.9" Lachmann RappSight -AIM OP-V4Handle -VX PineappleStore -40 Round Mag
Muzzle - Echoless -80Barrel - Hightower 20″ BarrelRiflescope - Cronen Mini OpticHandle - FTAC Ripper 56Shop - 45 Round Mag
Muzzle - Harbinger D20Barrel -15.9" Lachmann RappSight -AIM OP-V4Handle -VX PineappleStore -40 Round Mag
muzzle - Harbinger D20barrel -17.5" Tundra Pro Barrelhandle - FTAC Ripper 56Shop - 60 Round Magcartridges - 5.56 High Velocity
Barrel: 17.5" Tundra Pro Barrel (set it for maximum recoil stability and maximum damage range)Scope: VLK 4.0 optics (adjust for maximum aiming...
Muzzle-Sakin Tread-40 Stock -Tactique Brute Stock Handle -VX Pineapple Store -40 Round Mag Rear Grip - FSS Combat Grip
Muzzle-Harbinger D20Barrel -17.5" Tundra Pro BarrelRiflescope -VLK 4.0 OpticHandle -VX PineappleStore -60 Round Mag
Muzzle-Gauge-9 MonoSight -AIM OP-V4Handle -FTAC Ripper 56Store -60 Round MagAmmo -5.56 High Velocity
Muzzle Komodo HeavyBarrel 17.5" Tundra Pro BarrelFTAC Ripper 56 handleStore 60 Round MagCartridges 5.56 High Velocity
Muzzle: Echoless-80 for bullet speed, range, smooth recoil and noise reduction. There are several reasons not to use this silencer, and...
muzzle - Bore-490barrel - KAS-10 584mmsight - SZ SR0-7handle - FTAC Ripper 56Shop - 40 Round Mag
This is the best MW2 Kastov 762 weapon build , updated to November 2022. Muzzle: Sakin Tred-40Barrel: KAS-10 584mm holeScope: Schlager 3.4xHandle: Lockgrip Precision-40Magazine: 40 rounds This...
Muzzle-Polarfire-SBarrel -KAS-10 584mmRiflescope -Cronen Mini ProHandle -VX PineappleStore -40 Round Mag
The weapon has a high rate of fire and can become deadly accurate when properly equipped. Try the following M13B builds...
If you are looking for a good mid-range AR, then Kastov 545 is one of the best options. This weapon has...
The STB 556 belongs to the Bruen Bullpup weapon platform and this weapon is unlocked when players reach account level...
Несмотря на то, что в сообществе Call of Duty ведутся споры о лучшем пистолете-пулемете Modern Warfare 2, мы выбираем Вазнев-9К,...
forrestDump Barrel : FTAC SERIES IX 14.5″Example : CQB STOCKLaser : VLK LZR 7MWRear Grip : BRUEN Q900 GRIPCOMB: TV TACCOMB
Vel 46 в Call of Duty: Warzone 2 — это обновленный вариант пистолета-пулемета MP7 из оригинальной Warzone. Оружие может похвастаться...
Дуло: XTEN RR-40Ствол: BAK-9 279MMПриклад: OTREZAT STOCKЛазер: FSS OLE-V LASERЗадняя рукоять: TRUE-TAC GRIP
Пистолет-пулемет BAS-P был представлен в Call of Duty: Warzone 2. Этот пистолет-пулемет попал в группу мета-оружия благодаря своей исключительно высокой...
Muzzle: XTEN RR-40Barrel: Schlager RV-BStock: Demo RXTHandle: Commando ForegripRear Grip: Schlager Soldier Grip
The design of the FSS Hurricane is based the real-life gun AR57. The FSS Hurricane sacrifices range and stopping power...
The design of the MX9 (AUG) is based the real-life gun Steyr AUG Para. A submachine gun conversion of the...
The design of the Fennec 45 is based the real-life gun KRISS Vector .45. With a blinding fire rate, the...
The design of the Vel 46 (MP7) is based the real-life gun Heckler & Koch MP7. Chambered in 4.6x30mm, the...
Пистолет-пулемет FSS Hurricane в Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 относится к платформе M4 или семейству оружия. Ствол : FSS Cannonade...
The design of the Lachmann Sub (MP5) is based the real-life gun Heckler & Koch MP5. The Lachmann Sub's compact,...
Lachmann Sub (MP5) — оружие , представленное в Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2022), это один из пистолетов- пулеметов, доступных в игре. СБОРКАОптикаCronen Mini...
The design of the Vaznev-9K is based the real-life gun PP-19 Vityaz. An enhanced and modern version of the AK...
Конструкция PDSW 528 основана на реальном пистолете FN P90 . PDSW 528 является частью семейства оружия Tactique Defense Platform. PDSW 528 — единственное оружие в...
The design of the Minibak is based the real-life gun PP-19 Bizon. With a high rate of fire, a straight...
В Call of Duty: Warzone 2 есть два пистолета-пулемета, представленные на оружейной платформе Кастовии: Вазнев-9К и Минибак. В то время...
The design of the PDSW 528 is based the real-life gun FN P90. Rapid-fire, a compact polymer frame, and high-velocity...
Muzzle: XTEN RR-40Laser : VLK LZR 7mWRiflescope : Kronen Mini ProStore : 32 roundsRear Grip: Bruen Q900 Grip The attachments used for this MX9 build...
The design of the SP-X 80 is based on the real M2010 Enhanced Sniper Rifle. The SP-X 80 is a...
The design of the MCPR-300 is based the real-life gun Barrett MRAD. The Multi-Caliber Precision Rifle is a cutting-edge sniper...
The design of the Signal 50 is based the real-life gun SERO Gepard GM6 Lynx. Featuring a reciprocating barrel that...
The design of the LA-B 330 is based the real-life gun McMillan TAC-300. A bolt-action sniper rifle with a hammer-forged...
The design of the Victus XMR is based the real-life gun Accuracy International AW50. Hard hitting, bolt action sniper rifle...
дуло - Nilsound 90приклад - PVZ-890 TAC Stockлазер - FSS OLE-V Laserпатроны. - 300 High Velocityзадняя рукоять -Schlager Match Grip
The SP-X 80 is one of the most popular sniper rifles in Call of Duty: Warzone 2. Players prefer to...
The MCPR-300 is a well-balanced sniper rifle in Call of Duty: Warzone 2. While this weapon is primarily for range and accuracy,...
The Signal 50 is the only semi-automatic sniper rifle in Call of Duty: Warzone 2. Unlike its bolt-action counterparts, this weapon is...
The LA-B 330 is one of the many sniper rifles available in Call of Duty: Warzone 2. While it doesn't...
The Victus XMR sniper rifle has been added to Call of Duty: Warzone 2 with the Season 1 Update. This is...
The design of the RAAL MG is based the real-life gun SIG Sauer MG 338. The RAAL MG is the...
The design of the HCR 56 is based the real-life gun Steyr AUG HBAR.
The design of the RPK is based the real-life gun Kalashnikov RPK. The RPK light machine gun in Call of...
The design of the RAPP H is based the real-life gun Heckler & Koch HK21.
The design of the 556 Icarus is based the real-life gun Fightlite MCR. 556 Icarus is a light machine gun...
The design of the SAKIN MG38 is based the real-life gun IWI Negev NG7. The Sakin MG38 is one of...
Some LMGs are better for an aggressive playstyle, while others are better for defending a point. While the RAPP H can...
Barrel : 355M HGS-55Muzzle : Tempus GH 50Riflescope : Kronen Mini ProRear handle: Bruen Q900 Grip WrapPromotions : Cheetah STM Be aware that some attachments...
Since the RAAL MG is best used as a long-range weapon, we have equipped it with attachments that increase range,...
Barrel : 18″ Bruen Guerilla barrelMuzzle : Harbinger D20Handle: FTAC Ripper 56Riflescope : VLK 4.0 OpticsGrab : STIP-40 Grab With the above investment, we have...
Muzzle : Sakin Thread-40Scope : Schlager 3.4xHandle : Phase-3 gripCartridges : 7.62 High VelocityStore : 40 rounds With the listed attachments installed, the RPK will...
Muzzle - ZLR Talon 5Sight -AIM OP-V4Handle -FTAC Ripper 56Cartridges -7.56 High VelocityRear Handle -X2 Grip
The aforementioned build focuses primarily on improving accuracy and damage over distance. If you want to increase the portability of your...
Благодаря высокому урону и дальности это отличное оружие для использования в любом игровом режиме. Но его можно сделать еще лучше...
The design of the EBR-14 is based the real-life gun Mk 14 Enhanced Battle Rifle. The semi-automatic EBR-14 is chambered...
The design of the SP-R 208 is based the real-life gun Remington 700. The pillar of the Bryson bolt rifles,...
The design of the SA-B 50 is based the real-life gun M24 Sniper Weapon System. Optimized for speed and precision,...
The design of the TAQ-M is based the real-life gun FN SCAR 20S. The TAQ-M offers long-range support with a...
The design of the LM-S is based the real-life gun Heckler & Koch PSG1. The LM-S is a highly accurized...
The design of the Lockwood MK2 is based the real-life gun Marlin 336. The Lockwood Mk2 is a high-power, lever-action...
SP-R 208 выделяется высоким уроном. Помимо этого, у винтовки хорошая дальность стрельбы и быстрый вход в прицел, чем не могут...
EBR-14 превосходен как скрытное снайперско-гибридное огнестрельное оружие, которое игроки могут использовать, чтобы удивить своих противников с разумного расстояния. Тем не...
Винтовка SA-B 50 Marksman Rifle — более проворный брат SP-R 208 в Call of Duty: Warzone 2. Она обладает лучшей...
Дизайн FTAC Recon основан на реальном AR-15 под патрон .458 SOCOM . Игровая версия оружия производится компанией Tempus Armament . FTAC — это боевая...
В Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 и Warzone 2 Lachmann-762 — самое первое оружие, которое игроки разблокируют на расширенной...
Боевая винтовка SO-14 использует ту же платформу, что и стрелковая винтовка EBR-14. В то время как последний оказался лучшим оружием...
TAQ-V является одним из видов оружия, принадлежащих платформе Tactique Verte, и чрезвычайно эффективен на дальних дистанциях. Боевые винтовки — это...
https://youtu.be/tGNvIpp-vL4?t=109 Лучшая Боевая Винтовка в Варзон 2! В этом видео мы дадим точные характеристики и лучшие сборки на все боевые...
El diseño de la Lockwood 300 está basado en el arma Browning Citori 725 de la vida real.
The design of the Bryson 800 is based the real-life gun Mossberg 590.
Fans looking for a highly mobile shotgun to take out enemies with a single shot need look no further than...
The design of the Expedite 12 is based the real-life gun Benelli M4 Super 90.
The Bryson 800 stands at the top because of its incredible range and power. With the factory settings, the Bryson...
Modern Warfare 2 fans looking for a highly mobile shotgun to take down enemies with a single shot need look...
The Expedite 12 Shotgun is a great melee weapon in Call of Duty: Warzone 2. When properly equipped, this weapon...
There are usually one or two in every weapon class, and for the shotgun family, the Lockwood 300 is the...
The JOKR launcher is excellent for destroying vehicles and cargo. This is a great weapon that can be used to counter...
Portable launcher with infrared guidance, surface-to-air missile with free-fire capability. Guided Missiles have higher velocity and moderate explosive power. PILA is...
An infantry-carried launcher that fires a high-damage rocket-propelled grenade. An unguided missile requires manual guidance.
Anti-aircraft missiles of Soviet design with the possibility of long-range guidance. Despite its sluggish handling and slow reload speed, this blaster...
Конструкция PDSW 528 основана на реальном пистолете FN P90 . PDSW 528 является частью семейства оружия Tactique Defense Platform. PDSW 528 — единственное оружие в...
X13 Auto - это оружие, представленное в Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2022), это один из пистолетов, доступных в...
Пистолеты наименее предпочтительных видов оружия в Call of Duty: Warzone 2. Тем не менее, пистолет P890 в настоящее время является...
Самый мощный пистолет .50GS может похвастаться самым высоким уроном за выстрел в семействе пистолетов. Ожидайте, что он нанесет много урона, когда...
Пистолеты Акимбо — одно из самых мощных видов оружия ближнего боя в Call of Duty: Warzone 2, особенно P890 и...
Василиск имеет свои плюсы и минусы как часть категории оружия в Modern Warfare 2. В плюсах пистолет имеет впечатляющий урон...